OK well first hello my lovely people, how are you guys? I hope your all OK like me :)!!!!!

Now I personally couldn't wear them because I'm a little more on the chunky side and I'm trying to get back down to the size I used to be but hey it's going to take some time. :) so guys wish me luck on my weight loss journey!!!!
Now back to what I was talking about. I like the studded shorts but I honestly don't like when there studded on the whole area on the shorts like this;
I don't k now why but I just don't like the way that they look and besides that can not be comfortable at all!!!! But hey if that's what you like go ahead and wear it, I ain't here to judge.
No but seriously if that's what you like then don't let anyone take It away from you and go ahead and wear what you want no matter what anybody has to say.
Ok getting off topic a little bit so back to the conversation at hand :). So I was saying that I don't like the whole area studded but I do like when they do the one side or just one little section studded like the this;
I even like when the stud the pockets of the shorts because it just looks super kawaii!!!!! <3
(P.S. I fucking LOVE spikes!!)
I just love how you can basically get them in any color or any studded style too :) it's kind of like it's raining shorts!!!!
Ok well I guess that's it for right now but on a short note I probably wont be able to update every day but I'll try my best for you guys!!!!
Until next time!!!!
And don't forget to comment and follow!!!
I absolutely looooveee studded shorts too they're so cute <3 your post reminds me I have to work on my diet plan too haha. Nice post btw ^^
I know they are just soo cute!!!! And i guess we'll be going through this together :)