Hey guys!!! I'm back once again sorry for my little break from blogging just been a but busy but i'm trying to get back into the whole blogging thing again so if you guys what me to blog about something in specific then just let me know!!!
Any I hope you guys had a wonderful Father's Day since it just passed, it's a bit late but Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there that actually do for their children and families. And of course lets not forget about the Mothers out there that play both roles, I do hope all of you had a wonderful day.
So back to what this post is supposed to be about, my obsession with anything Korean. Lately I've been getting real obsessed with my Kpop and Kdramas. As of right now me and my twin are n the process of finding another song to cover. I think it might be GG's Mr. Mr. but i'm not sure I was thinking more of Goodnight Kiss by Jun Hyosung but we haven't really decided. Let me know if you guys have any good songs.
So any how about I share with you guys some songs and dramas I've obsessing over? Okay? Okay!
So for the songs I've been obsessing over have been>>>
Bob Girls- No way
GG- Mr. Mr.
Jiyeon- 1 min 1 sec(never ever)
Hyosung- Goodnight Kiss
15&- Not Today Not Tomorrow
15&- Sugar
Exo-k- Overdose
Boyfriend- Obsession
Akdong Musician- 200%
RAIN- LA song
I thin that's about it, some of them are fairly new, actually I think they're all pretty new. Hmm guess that's why I've been obsessing so much over them but anyway. On to my dramas>>>>>
The first one I have to say is "Pretty Man"
, i'm on episode 7 one it so I should be finished pretty soon and then there's "My Love From Another Star"
I'm almost finished this one, i'm on episode 17 and since I watch like five to eight episodes a night I think I'll be finished in like two maybe three days.