So moving on I've bought the set in red and a couple of days ago it finally showed up at my door :). So as you can tell I am really into baking sometimes from the box and sometimes from scratch depending on how I feel that day. Getting off topic a little so going on with the post let me begin.
Me with my package!
The whole set includes one 3-cup batter bottle, 12 silicone baking cups, one 6-oz filling
bottle with stainless steel top, two 3-oz frosting bottles with stainless steel
tips, one filling pocket cutter, and one icing spatula.
Icing Spatula
3-cup batter bottle
6-oz filling bottle with stainless steel top and two 3-oz frosting bottles with stainless steel tips
12 silicone baking cups
Filling pocket cutter
Ok I'll just say a few words about it, i'm defiantly going to be doing a review for this product and just a random fact I bought it in red because all they had was green, purple, or red. Well that's it for right now I'll be posting my review post soon so stay tuned for that. I'll try to post them with in the next few days or so. Ok well until next time my lovelies!!!!